Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy Equal Pay Day!

(shamelessly stolen from Feministing)

It's Equal Pay Day! Well, now it's the very end of it because I spent all evening at the climbing gym instead of studying and writing blog posts. I will add more to this tomorrow - I have much to say!


  1. Did you watch Jon Stewart last night? He had a a funny segment about women in general being the most important group this election and the issue of equal pay came up. (What's funny is the interviewer sit before a panel of women leaders, but asks a man questions about women's concerns).

    I wish I could find the clip, I'm not doing it any justice with my reiteration.

  2. A-ha! Here it is:


  3. This is great :) I need to click on the link that Shannon posted!

  4. It still angers me that this is even an issue. Sadly, however, it is.
